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In the year AD 275
king bualaraz who was then the king of otah had two sons from two concubines
because the queen was barren, the sons of king bualaraz were men of valour who
help their father to defend the wall of the cities and solicit on behalf of its
citizens. Prince hamaraz was the eldest with seven months older than prince
ormaraz. The kingdom was peaceful until pride and power cloud the heart of prince
Now king bualaraz was getting old, he could no longer run
the affairs of the kingdom anymore because his strength was waxing old and
weak, and prince hamaraz has great influence and power in the palace, prime
minister and the general was close subordinate to prince hamaraz, but prince
ormaraz was a great archer who love to go for gaming, killing animals for the
king and his mum, so he became the most loved and favourite child to the king,
prince ormaraz was not really concern about power none the throne unlike his
brother prince hamaraz.
In the year AD 280, because of greed and will for power
prince hamaraz plot against his father the king with the help of the prime
minister and the general, at the watch hour of the full moon 12 o’clock
midnight, treason was carried out against the throne and conspiracy against the
king. Prince ormaraz was passing through the quarter of the prince hamaraz when
he saw shadows of ninjas full covered with swords, he came close to pay
eavesdrop to their conversation and found out that treason and conspiracy were
carried out against the king his father. He didn’t have to listen much as he
make a U-turn to the king quarter, getting to the kings gate, he found out that
all soldiers were disbanded from the kings quarter saved the king personal
guard and dozens of armies.
Then the king pick up a sword and was waiting for the
assassins, less than 30 seconds the assassins came in with five of them, the
king summon the strength of his youthful days and have a combat with the
assassins, but king buamaraz was too old and weak to defend himself unlike the
days of his youth, so king buamaraz fell with the sword, after the
assassination of the king, they were also charged and order to kill prince
ormaraz as well, but getting to prince ormaraz quarter he was no were to be
found, they search through the city and the woods but prince ormaraz was long
gone, they search for prince ormaraz all night in the woods but could not get him, the commander of the
ninjas diversify his cohort to make the search quicker, and he said to them,
before the fading of the moon, we all should meet at the shade oak tree, but it
was only four of the ninjas that return from the search one of them was
At noon the death of the king was announce and there was
mourning in the palace and in the kingdom for 14 days. The sudden disappearance
of prince ormaraz was in the mouth of all citizens and nobles in the kingdom of
otah and beyond, prince hamaraz ascend the throne and became king in the year
AD 280, king hamaraz was cruel and harsh to the people, he we take possession
from the poor, he we tax them heavily, he we enthralled their father and
children, the land of otah that was once flowing with milk and honey became a
bow full of pains and death. Four years after the death of the king, the queen
and the mother of prince ormaraz passed away and they were buried in the palace
shrine were kings and queens are buried.
Now prince ormaraz changed his identity and became a great
merchant that travel round the world trading goods like stocks, salts, cotton,
gold and cattle’s, he was very rich and wealthy and well known round the world,
prince ormaraz was also a loan shark to his people due to the hardship and
unkind rule of his brother, he we give the people of otah loans without
interest and long time for repayment, he was kind and good to his people.
In the year AD 289 prince ormaraz had a terrify dream were
he saw the kingdom of otah siege and capture by another king, the walls was
broken, the altars was destroyed, the people were taken into captivity, the
palace were built down. Prince ormaraz was terrified when he woke up from his
sleep, he was shaking and still contemplating what manner of dream is that, he
picked the ancestral sword in pains, distress and sorrow then gaze at it for
some moment and remember the words of his dad the king. He was scared to sleep
until sleep finally came, in the dream prince ormaraz saw the king and his mother
standing at the river bank fishing, and he came close to them and said “dad /
mum” they both turn together and embrace him warming, then the king said to
ormaraz, “son you were a light to my kingdom from the day you came into this
world, I can’t thank the god’s more for giving you to me as a gift, son your
people are waiting for their true king, is time you return home with the
ancestral sword” may the god of otah guard and protect you as both disappear
from the presence of ormaraz, then he woke up and discovered that it was just a
Prince ormaraz was finding it difficult to execute his plans
because he had no armies that we fight for him, he sat down and had some
thought within himself. Finally he had a plan, then he called his trusted
servant and said, is there any little town that’s close to the mountain we can
settle in? The servant could not believe at first, he thought to himself in all
good places in the world why the island, he never knew prince ormaraz had a
different plan, finally they found a little town named morik they settle
quickly because of the wealth of ormaraz. The people of morik town was glad,
happy and full of excitement because the wealthiest man is among them, ormaraz
called the councillor of the town with four members, he gave them a proposal,
“I we make your army stronger than ever and I we fortified your town, I we
build temple, ridges and bridges for your people if only your men we obey me
and fight my plight”. They ask ormaraz for some days to think about it which he
agreed and they left him.
After much consideration and thought, they finally agreed to
ormaraz proposal, prince ormaraz then deploy men into different training
session, he bought the best sword smiths from rome and the best from Syria to
make sword for his armies. His armies grew and became strong, prince ormaraz
was now in control of 300 armies under his command lesser than the thousands of
armies with his brother the king of otah. Prince ormaraz was deploying a
strategy on how he and his armies we infiltrate the palace without much blood
share from his own people, “then he said to himself, I we send some spies to
the palace, so I can have words and every moves of the king, the prime minister
and the general, he pick two wise men from his army and send them to the
palace, these men were in the palace for three weeks bringing back words to the
Now in those days every tenth month and the twenty-six days
of every year, the king and its people celebrate a festival named soucex, soucex
is a festival that help the king and his people to celebrate the new moon, so
dignitaries are always invited, great envoys are sent to all neighbouring
kingdoms. Invitation was send to ormaraz the merchant, his brother the king
never knew it was ormaraz his brother because his identity was changed and he
has never set his eyes on the merchant only by name and his generosity has he
heard of his popularity.
Prince ormaraz gladly accept the invitation and said to
himself, “I we use this opportunity to gain back the kingdom and safe my people
from this cruel king”. All invited dignitaries should be in the palace a day to
the festival, so prince ormaraz deployed a plan and drawn out the sketch of the
palace on the board for his armies and show them the secret tunnel to the
palace. Prince ormaraz then send twelve of his armies with a letter and great
gifts to the king of kurak in regards to the one prisoner under his custody
which was one ninjas that was missing among the five sent to murder the king,
prince ormaraz capture him, tie him up and took him to kurak for investigation,
there it was confused opening that the prince hamaraz, prime minster and the
general plot against the king. On the eve to the festival prince ormaraz and
his delegates head to the palace of otah, he was warmly welcome by some
officials who never knew it was prince ormaraz, he went to the guest quarters
after the palace was completely silent, he quickly sneak into the kings shrine,
were king and queens are buried, he went to the spot of his father and mother
and wept bitterly, then he return back to his quarter.
At about 4 o’clock Am before the fading of the moon, the 280
armies that pass through the secret tunnel were in the palace disguise as the
armies of otah they could only know themselves due to the pink ribbon on their
scarf, so ormaraz went with his armies to the quarter of the general and the
prime minister who were still very much enjoying the morning sleep, they killed
the guards at each gate successfully, he took the prime minister and the
general hostage, tied them up and threw them in prison.
Prince ormaraz and twelve of his armies quietly sneak into
the kings quarter because he was heavily guarded, with strategy and good plan
he was successful entering into the kings room and come in face contact with
the king, he ordered king hamaraz never to raise alarm except he die at the
spot, king hamaraz was shrinking in fear, then he tied the king up and took him
to the prison without the notice of other guards were the prime minister and
general are hold hostage.
It was a morning full of colour and brightness, the sun were
bringing radiant rays from heaven, now it was time for the festival, there was cry
and shout from the palace that the king, general and the prime minister are no
were to be found, their personal guards were killed and they could not find his
majesty, now there were chaos every were, freight and fear among the people and
other dignitaries. Then prince ormaraz came out and said to the people and
dignitaries in attendant, “am prince ormaraz the son to king bualaraz”. There
was shock and fear among the face and eyes of every one, they all knew him as
the wealthy merchant not as a prince because he was not a popular figure among
the people in his days as prince, “am back to redeem my people from the cruel
rule and leadership of my brother, everybody in attendance was dumb and quiet”,
then the king of kurak came in with his officials and with the ninja (prisonal
in his custody) that was captured years ago.
Then prince ormaraz order the king, prime minister, general
to be brought out before the court for trials, the ninja was brought forth as a
witness to the assassination of the king, he confessed everything to the court
that the king and his subordinate order them to killed the king, the other four
ninjas were captured as well and was also on trial train in the court. They
brought the minister and place him on the trial seat, after enough torture and
threat of eradicating his family; he confessed to the court that they plot
against the death of the king in alliance with prince hamaraz and the general.
Everybody was in awe and judgement was passed on them by death, seven days
after judgement, they were carried out from the palace to the outskirts of the
city and decapitate them by the sword and their corpse were hanged for all to
see and the birds to feed on.
Prince ormaraz was clothed on royal apparel and crowned king
before the people, he brought out the ancestral sword and lift it before the
people as a symbol of authority, there was cheers, clamouring, excitement and
fest in all the land of otah for seven days, the kingdom was calm and peaceful
in all the days of king ormaraz, king ormaraz reign in otah for 50 years and he
died at 87 years of age, even to date, the records of king ormaraz is still
very much fresh and kept in the archive of otah.
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